Christmas Healthy Tips

With Christmas quickly approaching, our pros here at The Dental Touch have provided more advice on how to keep untimely dental disasters at bay so those dazzling lights on the tree aren’t the only thing that sparkles this season…  Here are some additional ways you can light up the holiday with a gorgeous smile.

  • Choose healthy alternatives to sugary and starchy snacks.  Skip the cookies and the cake and reach for that veggie tray instead, especially the broccoli (just remember to floss). Foods that are high in fiber increase the flow of saliva in your mouth which will neutralize acid that can wreak havoc on your teeth.  Celery is a good one, too, and don’t forget the apples!  Not only do these foods help to clean your mouth, but they will also keep your waistline in check during the festive feasting…  Not to mention a little less time spent in the gym come New Year’s-remember those resolutions from last year?
  • Go easy on the alcohol.  So from a toast here, there and everywhere, to that champagne on New Year’s Eve, the holidays are a time to celebrate the times past and those to come.  If you do enjoy an adult beverage or two, here are a couple things to remember.  Alcohol can cause dehydration which allows bacteria to set up camp on your enamel opening the door to tooth decay, so keep some water nearby and alternate your drinks.  The water will rinse your mouth clean with an added bonus- it will keep you from overdoing it-and we all want to stay safe this season.

We are happy to share these insights with you. Check back for more to come in our special series on holiday hygiene… Be sure to post a comment below and spread the word on social media-we love hearing from you!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.