Healthy Start System

In Leesburg, FL

What is the Healthy Start System?

How Does the Healthy Start System Work?

Benefits of the Healthy Start System

Non-Invasive Treatment

Uses no braces, surgery, or discomfort-inducing procedures.

Addresses Sleep Disorders

Helps mitigate symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing, including snoring and potentially sleep apnea.

Promotes Natural Growth

Encourages the natural development of the jaw and dental arches.

Prevents Future Dental Issues

Reduces the need for more invasive orthodontic treatments in the future.

Quick Visible Results

Improvements are often noticed in just a few months.

Improves Overall Health

Contributes to better breathing, which can improve overall health and behavior.

Procedure Timeline of the Healthy Start System

Why Should You Choose The Dental Touch for the Healthy Start System?

Unparalleled Expertise:
  • Dr. Shireen Dhanani and Dr. Thalji are not just experts, but they are also highly trained in the Healthy Start System, ensuring your child receives the best care possible.
Focus on Early Intervention:
  • We believe in correcting issues early to prevent more serious problems later in life.
Child-Friendly Solutions:
  • Our treatments are designed to be comfortable and acceptable to children.
Comprehensive Care Approach:
  • We address dental alignment and sleep health, offering holistic benefits.
Supportive Environment:
  • Our team is committed to making each visit positive and reassuring for children and parents.

Frequently Asked Questions about Healthy Start System

What age is ideal for starting the Healthy Start System?
The best time is typically between ages 4 and 7, but older children can also benefit.
Yes, the appliances are made from a soft, comfortable material for children to wear.
Treatment duration can vary but generally lasts from a few months to a couple of years, depending on the child’s needs.
Yes, it is designed to improve airway flow, which can reduce or eliminate snoring.
Common signs include snoring, frequent mouth breathing, crowded or misaligned teeth, and behavioral issues.

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