Why should you visit dentist for Dental Cleaning

dental cleaning

Why are people going for Dental Cleaning? 

People often avoid dental cleaning thinking it’s not worth spending. But, they miss the importance of regular dental cleaning. It must not be assumed that regular brushing and flossing comes under the same. Professional teeth cleaning involves researched steps such as a Physical exam, removing plaque and tartar, gritty toothpaste cleaning, flossing, rinsing and fluoride treatment. 

65% of adults aged 18 and over had a dental visit within the past year. People feel the need to go to dentists but these stats mainly include treatment for other cosmetic dentistry or some serious dentistry issues. This can totally avoid visiting dentists for the treatment of serious oral issues. It acts as an effective precaution. 

What is involved in Dental Cleaning?

It is the first step to most of the dental treatment. It removes the deposited plaque, bacteria and tartar buildup from teeth surfaces. They also use dental sealants and fluoride treatments to prevent dental issues. 

If you have dental fears or anxieties, talk to your dentist. Many providers offer sedation dentistry options to help you stay comfortable and relaxed during your visit.

There are different types, Although, every type serves the same purpose that is to maintain dental health. 

Types of Dental Cleaning

1. Prophylaxis

It is a routine and common dental cleaning process for people and might also include other preventative procedures such as a checkup to protect your teeth and prevent gum disease.

It includes a complete checkup of your mouth and a thorough cleaning using advanced medical tools such as ultrasonic scaler, pick and others to remove tartar causing bacteria. After cleaning thoroughly, teeth are polished with a fluoride treatment.

Also, if your dentist suspects a cavity or just to confirm if everything is fine. He might ask for an X- ray done. 

2. Gross debridement / trimming. 

It is recommended when your initial cleaning did not provide better diagnosis. So, now you might need a gross debridement to remove extensive plaque buildup. [img]

3. Scaling and root planing

Also known as a deep dental cleaning. Scaling and root planing removes bacteria from beneath the gum line around teeth roots. It is recommended for people suffering from mild to moderate periodontitis. Numbing is needed to perform deep dental cleaning or scaling and root planing. [img]

Is Dental Prophylaxis effective on kids?

A study found preventative dental cleaning measures for children proved to be beneficial as they were linked with less frequent dental visits in future. Although, it is not much cost friendly for kids to get dental prophylaxis done but its ROI is much higher. It is also due to the fact that sealants protect against dental issues that might occur in future. 

Benefits of regular dental cleaning

There are numerous benefits of dental cleaning. It involves kids as well as adults. Below, we have listed some of the benefits of regular dental cleaning

  • Serious dental issues can be prevented if we go for regular dental checkups. 
  • Regular dental cleanings maintain the overall health of your body. Your dental health affects the Heart health, stroke, and dementia.
  • Prevents bad breath – Regular dental cleaning prevents bad breath because regular cleaning removes bacteria that causes plaque and tartar. 
  • Cleaning from early on reduces cost for future severe dental issues. 

Final Takeaways

Dental cleanings are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Even with regular brushing and flossing, plaque and tartar can still accumulate in areas that are hard to reach. Cleanings help remove these harmful substances, preventing cavities and gum disease. They also keep your breath fresh and make your teeth appear brighter by removing surface stains. Additionally, routine cleanings allow your dentist to spot any early signs of dental issues, like cavities or gum inflammation, before they become bigger problems. Most people benefit from a cleaning every six months, making it an important part of overall oral health. 

TagsDental CleaningDental Prophylaxisgum diseaseThe Dental TouchThe Dental Touch Aesthetic WellnessStudiowellness studio



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