Dental Fillings | Everything you need to Know

dental fillings

Dental fillings are much more common than expected. Overall, 90% of adults in the age of 20-64 years have had a dental restoration treatment. And above all, smokers are more prone to tooth decay than non-smokers. 

What is Dental Filling?

Dental fillings repair tooth cavities. These fillings are made of different materials and are used to fill the damaged or decayed areas of the tooth. The materials used are porcelain, resin, metals like gold, silver, etc. Depending on the skill of the dentist and the type of material used, some dental fillings can last over a decade. Dental Fillings are the most common

What happens during a dental filling procedure?

A dental filling procedure is not much complicated as compared to other dental restoration techniques such as Implants, crowns etc. Below we have mentioned some easy to understand steps that your dentist will follow in your dental filling appointment. 

  • Initial Examination: The initial examination is important as your dentist needs to examine your tooth well. This might involve a little nit picking around your tooth using a small mirror and probe to check for problem areas. If necessary, your dentist might even suggest an X-ray.
  • Numbing the Tooth: An anesthetic is applied to ensure the process is pain-free and comfortable. It also numbs your surrounding gum to prevent uneasiness. You might feel a minor pinch due to the injection but after that you are ready to go ahead. 
  • Removing Decay: Once the area is numb, your dentist will drill the decayed part of the tooth to remove the decay. This is important because if left untreated it might worsen the situation and would lead to an RCT (Root canal treatment). 
  • Cleaning the Cavity: After removing the decay, your dentist will clean the affected area to ensure no debris left behind. This includes a special solution or a water or air spray to clean it up.
  • Placing the Filling: Then it’s time to fill the cleaned cavity with a dental filling material that your dentist recommended. You could ask your dentist about your desired filling. 
  • Shaping and Polishing: After filling the material in the cavity, your dentist will shape the material to fit the contours. This is done to check if the fitting is comfortable and it doesn’t feel out of place. Fitting properly ensures its longevity otherwise you will have to refill your cavity. After properly filling it in, your dentist would polish it to ensure you are comfortable with it. 
  • Checking Your Bite: Just when shaping and polishing is done, your dentist will ask you to check your bite to ensure the filling fits properly. They will work further to ensure your bite is comfortable and your filling doesn’t interfere while you chew. 
  • Providing Aftercare Instructions: Finally, the dentist will give you certain instructions on how to care for your tooth after the procedure. This might include certain foods to avoid for a while, how to maintain good oral hygiene, and what to do if you experience any discomfort. They might also let you know if you need to return for a follow-up visit.

By following these steps, the dentist helps restore your tooth to its normal function and appearance, allowing you to eat and speak comfortably.

Types of Cavity Fillings

Knowing the different kinds of cavity fillings is important before getting a dental filling yourself. You can discuss the choice of filling with your dentist. 

Some materials for direct filling are-

  • Amalgam – It is silver in color; contains mercury mixed with silver, tin, zinc and copper. These are long-lasting and are less likely to break. It is suitable for patients who are more likely to suffer from tooth decay.
  • Resin – A tooth-colored material, powdered quartz, silica or glass. Resins sometimes make a better choice than traditional dental fillings due to its tooth color, appearance and easy to use. 
  • Glass ionomer – A tooth-colored material, silica glass powder. They have the property to easily adjust with the natural body state. It releases fluoride which prevents tooth decay. 
  • Gold – is gold in color. It contains gold mixed with other metals like silver, tin, copper or palladium. Gold used as a dental filling has resistance to corrode, is durable and also maintains aesthetics.
  • Porcelain – It is tooth-colored and contains a mixture of minerals like feldspar, quartz and kaolin. One of the most important features of porcelain is that it doesn’t contract or expand with temperature unlike other metals. This effect ultimately weakens the entire structure of the tooth. 

What are Composite Fillings?

Composite fillings are a much preferred choice for tooth restoration. This is because they mix in well with your natural tooth color.  A mix of plastic resins and fine glass particles that look like real teeth. In order to apply a composite filling, your dentist will remove the decay and thoroughly clean the area. And fill the cavity with composite material layer by layer and harden or fix it with a special light. Finally, they polish the filling to match your tooth’s natural look and make sure it fits comfortably. Composite fillings are highly durable and provide great aesthetics.

What is Dental Restoration?

Dental restoration fillings are treatments used to restore the function, integrity, and morphology of missing tooth structure resulting from caries or external trauma as well as to the replacement of such structure supported by dental implants.

TagsCavity fillingsComposite fillingsDental FillingsDental restorationsThe Dental TouchThe Dental Touch Aesthetic WellnessStudioTooth restoration



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