Stress and Oral Habits
Teeth grinding and clenching are common habits, but that doesn’t mean they are harmless. Stresses from the powerful forces generated by grinding and clenching (also known as “bruxing”) can wear down teeth or even loosen them. Teeth that have enamel worn away or scraped off from this repeated rubbing action may become sensitive to hot or cold. And dental work such as crowns and fillings may get damaged. Bruxism can also lead to jaw pain and/or headaches.
If damage to your teeth or existing dental work is evident, we may recommend a custom-made nightguard, also known as an “occlusal guard,” which is a device that resembles an athletic mouthguard. Made of comfortable plastic, the guard is worn at night to keep your teeth from actually contacting each other. It also helps protect your jaw joints from excessive force.
Teeth grinding and/or clenching habits are particularly common in people who are undergoing stressful periods or major life changes. These usually unconscious habits can result in jaw muscles going into spasm, teeth wearing down, and other problems. Treatment is usually aimed at relieving the symptoms and stopping damage... Read Article
Are teeth supposed to last for a lifetime? And are humans designed to live for up to a hundred years? Given all the current improvements in the areas of medicine and health, both general and oral, people are not only living longer, but they are also keeping their teeth longer. This article will provide an overview of the “oral system” and one of its more common and important occurrences, tooth wear... Read Article
Many children grind their teeth as they sleep, and the grating sounds of this habit can really set a parent's own teeth on edge. But is tooth grinding (also called “bruxism”) harmful? And can — or should — anything be done to break the habit? Read Article